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Facial Fat Transfer

As we age, we lose volume. Imagine a baby, brimming with youth, and the full features and soft transitions of the face. As time and gravity exert their effects, these transitions become more pronounced as soft tissue volume slowly dissipates. The transition from face to lip (the nasolabial fold or melolabial fold), the junction of the lower eyelid and cheek (the nasojugal fold, or “tear trough”), and the progression of the jowl to the chin (the marionette line), all tend to become accentuated by shadow as we age. Elsewhere on the face, full cheeks may lose their prominence, and lips may seem to thin and wrinkle. Restoring volume to smooth these transition zones and to refill areas where fullness has been lost is a wonderful solution that minimizes the effects of age, and restores youth and beauty. There are a variety of “fillers” that can be used to replenish lost facial volume: injectable fillers, such as Restylane and Juvederm and Belotero, and your own tissue filler, fat. Fat cells can be harvested as fat grafts from your own body and injected to smooth wrinkles and other areas in need of volume.

Need more information?

If you would like to learn more about having a facial fat transfer technique that will suit you best, we invite you to meet with Dr. Nabil Fakih for a private consultation at our office.

Please contact us to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Nabil Fakih to make an appointment.

What is Fat Transfer from your Abdomen to your Face?

Fat Transfer has added a whole new dimension to cosmetic surgery. By using your own undesired fat from your abdomen or undesired fat zones in your body to fill in areas in the face. With this fat transfer, we can plump up the cheek bones, define a jaw line, improve the hollow look underneath the eyes and more. As a conclusion, it is a liposuction from another area and lipofill it in your face.


• Wrinkles and folds

• Areas of volume loss of the face


• Restores volume with your own natural filler

• Fat takes as a graft

• Long lasting


• Fat transfer to Nasolabial Folds

• Fat transfer to Glabellar Lines

• Fat transfer to Eyelids, Tear Troughs

• Fat transfer to Cheeks

• Fat transfer to Jawline


• Length: 1 to 3 hours

• Back to Work:

1 to 3 days (isolated fat grafts, mild)

7 to 14 days (moderate or substantial fat grafts)

• Return to Exercise:

7 days (light cardio)

4 weeks (more strenuous exercise)

Who is a candidate for Facial Fat Transfer?

Every patient could be candidate for fat transfer. All patient with body excess fat in another areas could be liposuctioned and injected in another areas in the face. It is used for deep wrinkles and folds and in areas of volume loss of the face.

What should I expect from my consultation?

During your consultation, you will learn about the surgery, and discuss your needs and concerns. Dr. Nabil Fakih will carefully examine your face to assess the shape and detect asymmetries and determine what type of procedure would best maximize your result. After your consultation we will take photographs for your medical record and we will discuss the surgery fees and scheduling dates. You should come to the consultation prepared to discuss your medical history. Also provide information about any medical conditions, drug allergies, medical treatments you have received, previous surgeries and medications that you currently take. It is important for you to provide complete information.

Fat Transfer Technique

Known as autologous fat transplantation, fat transfer, autologous fat grafts, or micro-lipo injection, fat cells are gently removed from the abdomen or thighs prepared as fat grafts, and transferred to problem areas in the face. Fat transfer or autologous fat grafts can be used to rejuvenate the face by softly filling folds and wrinkles, to restore volume to highlight cheek areas that have become less pronounced, and to fill areas in need virtually anywhere on the face. Fat grafts can be used to refresh tired, aged hands, and can also be used to replenish or add volume to jawline. As fat grafts are fat cells from your own body, it is the most natural filler choice. The fat cells are removed using a very small cannula, or tube, and are then carefully prepared as fat grafts. The fat grafts are then transferred to into an area of wrinkling or hollowness using a small needle. Because these fat graft cells are your own, they will not be rejected. Although some resorption is possible, fat grafts last considerably longer than most fillers. As the fat grafts will be “accepted” by the tissue to which they are introduced by the local blood supply, the fat grafts are ultimately incorporated as soft, natural tissue that is indistinguishable from the native soft tissue in the area. Depending upon your needs, the fat graft procedure takes between 1 hour (for very mild corrections) to 3 hours (for more substantial volume restorations). When performed as an isolated procedure, fat grafts can be performed under local anesthesia, sedation or general anesthesia. More often, the fat transfer or autologous fat graft process is combined with another cosmetic surgery procedure. 

What May be Achieved With Fat Transfer?

A multitude of areas can be enhanced. The nasolabial folds can be filled, hollows under the eyes can be filled, and cheekbones and jaw lines can be made more prominent. It has also been used effectively to improve atrophic aging of the hands, and post-surgical and post-trauma defects. The net effect of fat transfer is a more natural rejuvenation without any hint of a “stretched” look. By using one’s own tissues, allergic reactions and side effects that can be seen with other filling materials are minimized. Improved contour of the donor area is an added benefit. Fat transfer is long lasting but results vary for each individual patient. People metabolize the transferred fat at different rates. Different recipient areas respond differently to injected fat. For example, cheeks ten to hold onto fat better than the mouth peri-area. Fat transfer can last for years on many patients. Fat transfer can be repeated if necessary and results can be further enhanced with other injectable fillers.

Types of Fat Grafting

We have 4 Types of fat grafting, and they depend on the processing method after harvesting. Microfat (small parts of fats injected with cannula) that act as volumization fillers to fill and give volume to areas with volume loss. SNIF (small parts of fats injected with needle) that acts as a small filler to improve areas with deep creases. SNIE (small micro-emulsified fats injected with needle) that acts as a small filler to improve areas with superficial creases. Nanofat (Adipose derived Stem Cells) that acts to rejuvenate the skin, enhance dark circles around eyes, and improve scars. Check Nanofat page in our website to know more. 

What to avoid before surgery?

It is vitally important to avoid all blood thinning medications/supplements for 2 weeks prior to surgery. This includes any aspirin or aspirin-containing products as well as any anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen or naproxen. It is generally fine to be take Tylenol (Acetaminophen). Avoid supplements such as Vitamin E including multi vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids such as fish oil and flax seed oil. You will be given a complete list of medications/supplements to avoid at your pre op. All these medications can contribute to bleeding problems following surgery and can increase the amount of bruising.


Following fat graft procedures, you will go home on the same day. If the fat grafts are performed on one isolated area, Dr. Nabil Fakih suggests taking two or three days before returning to work, however many are able to return to work the following day. When the fat graft procedure is used to correct moderate or substantial lines, folds, or areas of deficiency for several areas, the return to work may range from 7 to 10 days. Swelling is very common after fat transfer or autologous fat grafts, and often resolves after two weeks, however it may take up to 12 weeks for the final results of the fat graft procedure to be evident. Light aerobic activity (elliptical, walking, bicycle) may be resumed as early as 7 days following fat grafts, and more strenuous activity is begun at 4 weeks.

Why Dr. Nabil Fakih?

Make sure a qualified doctor is performing your surgery. Dr. Nabil Fakih expertise in fat grafting has made him lecture worldwide, organize courses, and write chapters for several renown medical books. In addition to Dr. Nabil Fakih 's expertise, we offer an integrated pre-surgical, intra-surgical and post-surgical care, so as to optimize healing, we offer several technologies to our patients for an enhanced optimum recovery. We have implemented a specific-low-bruise-anesthesia during surgery to guarantee less bruising post-surgery, detailed suturing under 2.5x Loop vision for optimal aesthetic effect, toxin injection for the incision for better scar healing, Aerolase Neo to reduce bruising & incision redness, Aerolase EraPeel to blur any visible scar in case is needed, and finally Vitamindrip Boosterheal for a faster  recovery.

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